Become a Member of Great Plains Harmony
It's Easy. Follow the Three Easy Steps below!
Step 1. Join us for a rehearsal
The best way to find out what Great Plains Harmony is all about is to visit one of our Thursday night rehearsals (7:30 pm). You and a friend are welcome any night! We will greet you at the door and provide you with music for the evening.
We rehearse at Grace Covenant Church, located at 3030 Broadway in Fargo.
We rehearse every Thursday, but we would encourage you to contact us on the RARE occasion that we might be performing that evening.
Step 2. Sing for our conductor
We are a singing organization. After you have visited a rehearsal, our conductor will take you through a simple auditioning process where they can get a feel for your vocal range and general singing ability. The audition does NOT require that you prepare a piece of music in advance. Sight reading is not part of the audition either.
Step 3. Get to know your music and the chorus members
We pride ourselves on empowering members to learn their music outside of chorus rehearsal. We provide learning tracks when appropriate. We'll also encourage you to get to know the great group of men that make up Great Plains Harmony. We are all members because we enjoy the sound of singing male chorus literature at the highest level.
Guest contact info
Guests are encouraged to contact us before visiting, just so we can confirm that we aren't performing that Thursday evening. Contact us at:
Phone: 701-552-0410
Email: [email protected]