Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I become a member?
It’s easy! We encourage you to visit one of our rehearsals where you can experience a typical evening and join us in casual singing. After we have a chance to hear you sing our director will offer a recommendation of membership. For more information, click here.
How often does the chorus perform?
We perform locally and compete regionally. Typically, we produce two major concerts a year. We also take part in the yearly competition of the Barbershop Harmony Society, with whom we are affiliated. We do several other smaller performances throughout the year as well.
Does it cost to belong to the chorus? Are there dues?
Membership dues are approximately $21–26 per month. Those dues cover your Chapter, District, and Society costs. Senior and youth discounts are available. There are also some one-time costs for purchasing chorus attire.
Is there and age limit on who can sing?
There is no age limit. We encourage men and boys of all ages to participate.
What sort of music do you sing?
Great Plains Harmony sings a variety of musical styles with an emphasis on barbershop harmony.
Am I good enough to sing in this chorus?
Don’t underestimate yourself. While a certain singing ability is required, we provide education for members to improve their singing ability and tools to learn music outside of chorus rehearsal.
I can’t read music. Can I still join?
You are not required to be able to read music. We typically provide learning tapes on all repertoire so that members can learn music as quickly as possible.
When and where do you practice?
We practice Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Grace Covenant Church, 3030 Broadway, Fargo. Click to map the location.
What are the expectations of chorus members?
Great Plains Harmony has fun by performing at the highest level possible. We require members to learn music outside of chorus rehearsal and commit to a regular rehearsal schedule. Great Plains Harmony is one of the finest vocal ensembles in the region because each member contributes to the music and management of the chorus.
Still have questions?
Feel free to contact us at any of the following: